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Monday, June 9, 2014


The time for just wishing is past, the time for action is now; the time for acting on your dream is now. The time to look inwards of yourself and say ‘I am in charge of my destiny’.
Have you ever heard people saying they wish to have a change in their life, if they truly mean that then they would not spend their evening and time watching television while wishing things just get better in their lives.
“I will be happy when I just….” Just what?
You have got to be a dreamer, you have to see the future finished in advance. Having it does not come from pieces of great success but from small advantages hammered out day by day.
It is like you have to save your own life, nobody is going to be able to save it for you; so we have to do what we have to do, no matter what it is.
What you are going through right now is a discovery moment, the burdens you bear; these are discovery moments, not moments you have discovered how bad life is but rather how stronger you have been through it
I do not want to know how fate and people have mocked you, what you need to realise is that you are greater than your circumstances. What you need to realise is that you are more powerful than you can even begin to imagine. You have to say to yourself that I can do this even if no one else sees it, I must see it for myself. Powerful people recognise potential in people and people who have potential know power when they see it.
Always say to yourself “No matter how bad it is…I am going to make it; no matter how bad it gets…I am going to make it in Jesus Name. Amen.”
This is the moment that you find out who you are…Don’t be afraid
Imagine if you will be on your death bed and standing around your bed; the ghost of the ideas, the dreams, the abilities, the talents given to you by life and there they are staring around your bed looking at you with angry eyes saying “we came to you and only you could have given us life”
The question is ‘If you die today, what ideas, what dreams, what abilities, what talents, what gifts will die with you?’
I have learnt some interesting things, it is not big; our troubles are different. Our pains are quite simple but our solution to them is different
What I want you to do right now is to think about some major goals you would like to achieve, think about some major goals…It is not what we get that makes us happy rather what we become. How we live our lives, who we are…they are going to give us a joy no one can take away.
I dare you, I dare you to stop settling…to stop settling for average!!!
Put in 120% every time or you don’t put in anything at all because to get to the height you desire, the whole of you even stretching yourself beyond the elastic limit is required for time waits for nobody and delay often begets regret. To get the opportunity you have right now might take a whole year or never again in your entire life. This is the only moment you with that particular opportunity thus you need to maximise its availability now or never.
We have ideas that we do not work with in life, things we want to do and we are afraid to take chances. We go through life trying to seek security and not coming out of our comfort zone thus we take most of our God-given gifts, talents, ideas & treasures to the grave.
Now what do you do during the hard times?
These are the things you need to get
You must have faith; Faith is the assurance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen (Heb.11:1). You have to trust in something; life, activities, endeavours and these will connect you back to the originator and completion of all things {GOD}. You should believe in all the things you have done to yourself and the ones people have done to you that there is TREASURE in this thrash (YOU).
I must believe in myself, I must not allow other peoples opinion of me to control my destiny. You have to trust in God greatly connecting your future and this give you confidence to follow genuine and authentic inspirations from GOD.
I knew it is going to be difficult; I knew it is going to be hard and I heard people laughing at me. You are talking about going to be a motivational speaker and I kept on with this; today I can face any crowd and express myself without fears. Then I now laugh at them. You need to start saying yes to your life, you need to start saying yes to your dreams, yes to your unfolding future, yes to your potential. For I applaud you because you are dreaming, you are running towards your dream. I applaud for believing in yourself.
Universe will appeal to you,
Life will never be the same.

Sunday, June 8, 2014


Someones opinion of you does not need to be your reality
When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change
I do not know what your dream is or how long you have been working on that dream you are holding in your mind but one thing I know is that it is possible.
Most people do not work on their dreams because of fear and that is why you will never become what you want to be and that is why you will never grow
Some people are afraid of failure while some are afraid of success
Successful people are always alone on their way up, on their way up you will never see too many friends because they are the only people that see their dream and they know where they are headed for, they often see the shadow of themselves and they often trust themselves when it hurts most.
I wish I am going to tell you, it is going to be easy
I wish I am going to tell you that you will have enough time to prepare
You will get to a point where it hurts real bad
You will get to a point when it seems over, you are tired, you are frustrated, you are ready to give up, when you have spent your last dime.
That is when they get started
But what you cannot do is to quit doing the process, you cannot give up because it is not what you see/bargain.
You need to stop telling yourself I cannot do that and I cannot do this rather you need to start paying attention to little details because this is the tool that will help you correct your mistakes,  so why would you skip since they are the small steps that you must climb before you get to the top and it is the sacrifice you will make in life to be happy by giving your dream a structure which no other person can do because you are the only one seeing your dream the exact pattern it ought to be
Remember you have one shot to this sacred gift called life and it is up to you to make it happy, you have every minute of the day to decide on making your future happiness a reality.
The fear of death has clamped down, the dreams of many people and until you consciously and unconsciously remove this fear from within your being, you will make no headway in life.
If you make yourself more than just a man, if you devote yourself to ideas and if they cannot stop you then you become something else entirely.
You are born with what you ought to do,
What nobody can do apart from you, Nobody can sing the way you sing.
Nobody can see what you are seeing, Nobody can speak the way you speak, Nobody can write the way you write.
You accept yourself as you see yourself beyond your fears and you do not accept yourself as a victim then you will begin to see that you are more important than any fear you have and you are more powerful than any fear you have.
Most people make their fears more powerful than they are, they make their fears more powerful than their dreams. This is what you do not want to do; do not make your fears more powerful than your dreams and passion.
It is possible I can live my dream, it is necessary to work on myself, become creative. It is me, I need to make it happen, it is not over until I win.
It is when you have nothing left, it is when you have no energy, when you have spent your last dime, when you find a way where there is no way; THAT IS THE SHOW TIME.
Find breath that you do not have
Find energy that do not exist, when you want a thing as you would want to breathe, that is when you find a way!!!
You go after it, you give it all you have, you keep trying even after you fall.
“I failed ten times on the way”, you get up and continue because your failures will never get to the ring/top
Success is born through failures, through facing your fears, through falling down and getting back up, that is what creates A CHAMPION!!!
Some people keep running away from their fears and it keeps coming back as conflict, behind every fear is the person you want to be. You need to find that fear and fight it. That fear will either create you or destroy you. Fear is self-imposed meaning it does not exist, you created it and you are the only one who can destroy it following the same way you created it. You face your fears, you will find out it is not that big and you will be like ‘my GOD so this is what I have been running away from, you are so small’ when you face your fears you will become the person you want to be. If you run from your fears, you are alive but you are not living becomes freedom from your self-imposed personality will be an illusion and when people talk about freedom it appears delusional because you have never experienced your own.
Do not be afraid to fail, anything I have ever done; I am always willing to fail.
You cannot always win but you should not be afraid of making decisions to try again and again.
You cannot keep your eyes on the fear of failure or you will never push yourself, you will never want to fail even though you did not work hard enough. Always believe in leaving no stone unturned; NO PAIN NO GAIN.
Success does not define us, we define success.
Dig down, dig deep down to the last resort and result!!!
Who do you want to be?
I must free my minds, facing my fears, handling my fears; I am more than my fears.
When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change!!!
FEAR is not real, it is in our thoughts of the future.
It is the product of our imagination causing us to fear things that do not exist in the present and may not ever exist.
Only those who risk going too-far can find out possibly how far one can go in life!!!
There is no reason to have plan B for the distraction of plan A.
I need you to believe there is still time as far as there is still breathe in your nostrils.
The first step is that before anybody in the world have to believe it, you have to believe it.
You are where you are presently because of who you are and if you are going to get somewhere in life, you need to change the way you think. 

Friday, June 6, 2014



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