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Tuesday, May 20, 2014


There is no headway in life without forgiveness:
You need to figure out how to forgive
The Highest brutality was let-out on Jesus Christ,
He who had no sin was made sin that we may become the righteousness of God {2 Cor.5:21} thus no one is permitted to live with unforgiven spirit no matter how painful it appears, you need to figure out how to forgive or else we deny and reject the mercy of God from ourselves ("If you do not forgive one another their offense against you, my Father in Heaven will never forgive you" Mtt.6:14-15, Mk.11:25)


The fear of the Lord;
in the church we no longer fear God rather we become norm to sin because we will plead the blood, thanks be to God for the power of the Blood and forgiveness but we should give up those habits that are not pleasing to God because they displease God, most of us are getting used to these habits rather we should live just to please God not because it is ok with our selfish ambition. Whatever God says is wrong is wrong by me and whatever God says is righteous should be seen as righteous just because they are from God {‘the end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments; for that is the whole duty of every living being. For God will bring every deed into judgment including every secret thing whether good or evil’ Eccl.12:13-14}


"Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible seed, by the word of God..." {1.Pet.1:23}
Do you know where your root is from?
if you do not know where you came from, you will not know where you headed for in life.
In the beginning was the WORD...(Jn.1.1)
You need to locate the word of God first for anything you want to attain in life (righteousness, purity, healing, breakthrough, deliverance) to begin rolling
You need to believe in the word with your whole life because you were created from the WORD ('everything on earth was created by the word' Ps.33:6)
Pray in the name of Jesus Christ ["whatever you ask of the Father in my name shall be granted unto thee" Jn.14:14]
You need to take a follow up action as one who has received what he has asked from God ('for the one who believes all things can be done for him...I believe help my unbelief' Mk.9:23-24)
You need to meditate on the word of God day and night {Joshua 1:8} that is thinking on the word of God until wisdom starts flowing out from within your being. You will always need to meditate on the word of God every second of your life in order push out negativism and stand oppositions from the enemy because we are at war in this world with the devil ('we fight not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers in the highest places' Eph.6:12) and our weapons of warfare are not carnal {2Cor.4:10} but the word of God is the sword of the Spirit [Eph.6:17]
Above all nothing happens in the kingdom of God without faith, Love and patience {Heb.11:1,6} faith works with love "...the only thing that counts is faith working through love" (Gal.5:6) if your love is limited to some people your faith in God is under attack because God is love [1Jn.4:7-8] then added to this is patience {'so that you may not become sluggish but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises' Heb.6:12} not putting up with unrighteousness but holding unto to the promise of God's word even when it hurts because you know God's word is God and he changeth not (Mal.3:6)
Take God's promise and turn it into confession {"because if you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved" Rom.10:9} because for a child of God your words and thoughts define were you stand in life. You need to make it a consistent thought, desire and power. It is going to be a fight, not something you say for a while and give up.You must admit you are blessed by God in all situations of your life {'thanks be to God who has blessed us with all the spiritual blessings in the heavenly places' Eph.1:3}. Lay hold of what you confess [1Tim.6:12]
Hold unto your faith!!!
Never be tired of doing what is right (2 Thess.3:13)


Thank you GOD for being GOD as we continue with the struggles of life let your Mercy, Love and Grace triumph over the judgment that is due to our frailty and do not allow us to make mockery of your mercy that we go ahead committing one sin upon another Through Jesus Christ Our Lord we pray. Amen.


I want people to know they are pure because Jesus purified them from sin, not because they have perfect behavior and have never had intercourse or looked at pοrn. “The good news is that temptation, lust, porn, sεx, shame and guilt are no match for the grace Jesus offers us. Point kids to Jesus. Only He has the power enough to grip their heart and their will.


Success comes one step after a set of temporal challenge
Triumph without taking a risk is like winning without a glory
Do not allow your background to put your back on the ground
Success does not just come, you set it in motion
The man that controls your time, controls your life
Success is sweet but the secret is sweat
A life without a leverage is like a life without a future
If you want to be a leader that multiplies his/her values, you should be a leader that builds/develops leaders that see challenges as a stepping stone to success
Success is a journey everybody embarks in life but not everybody becomes successful at the end of life
If people do not discourage you on your way to success, they won't end up encouraging you when you get to the top
If people do not reject you for sweating it out to become genuine success, they won't end up accepting you when you achieve the fit your contemporary never dared to attempt
If you do not know what you need in life, you will surely accept a substitute.