IITA is an international non-profit research-for-development (R4D) organization created in 1967, governed by a Board of Trustees, and supported primarily by the Consultative Group of International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). Our R4D is anchored on the development needs of sub-Saharan Africa. We develop agricultural solutions with our partners to tackle hunger and poverty by reducing producer and consumer risks, enhancing crop quality and productivity, and generating wealth from agriculture. We have more than 100 internationally recruited scientists from about 35 countries and 900 nationally recruited staff based in various stations across Africa.
The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture seeks suitable Nigerian Nationals for the following position at the Institute’s Headquarters, Ibadan.
INTERNATIONAL TRIALS MANAGER (2-year renewable contract)
Successful candidate will among others:
Contribute intensively to the overall objectives of cassava research on breeding, germplasm and population development, and variety testing.
Assist with improvement of cassava breeding procedures including database development and automation of the cassava breeding programs in IITA and NARS partners.
Facilitate introduction and evaluation of improved cassava germplasm in collaboration with the NARS in West and Central Africa to address country specific needs for food security and industrial application.
Manage and coordinate the international cassava trials in West and Central Africa and generate information on overall G x E reactions of IITA’s improved varieties.
Contribute to strengthening NARS capacities in West and Central Africa on modern cassava breeding and agronomic practices that respond to farmer and processor needs.
Provide technical support to cassava projects and government initiatives in Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire etc. and other development agencies.
Assist and backstop small, medium and large-scale cassava producers in West and Central Africa to source for improved varieties and high quality planting materials.
Provide necessary linkages among stakeholders in the cassava value chain.
Discuss activities and provide technical support services to IITA Special Projects involving cassava.
Assist and contribute to preparation of project reports and publications.
Assist in the preparation of project proposals with NARS to meet specific Government or Donors’ needs.
Assist in the organisation of cassava related technical meetings and workshops at National and Regional levels with NARS;
Help and coach NARS Scientists and Technicians in the implementation of international cassava trials
Assist in the international multiplication and dissemination of improved cassava planting materials and related information
BSc or MSc. in Plant Breeding/Crop Science plus minimum of ten (10) years experience in plant breeding.
Successful candidate is expected to have advanced agronomic and breeding knowledge of cassava.
He/She will also be required to have good oral and written communication skills especially in English and French languages. In addition, candidates should be honest, diligent, and have excellent interpersonal skills.
Evidence of previous work on cassava breeding is added advantage.
Position requires extensive and frequent international travel.
Letter of application should address how the candidate’s background and experience relates to specific duties of the position
We offer highly competitive salary with equally attractive fringe benefits and excellent working conditions in a pleasant campus environment.
Interested applicants should forward their applications with detailed curriculum vitae, the names and addresses of three professional referees which must include either the Head of applicant’s current or previous organisation or applicant’s direct Supervisor/Superior Officer at work and scanned copies of credentials not later than TWO WEEKS from the date of this publication. Please complete our online application form using this link: . Please note that application letters not accompanied with evidence of current remuneration and age will not be treated.
Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
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